
Securely share online video clips with others

Upload videos to the cloud for safe keeping

Connect from anywhere using your email address

Manage user access to your recorders online
Easy Remote Connection

Connect your remote devices with a single sign-on

Military-grade encryption to keep your data safe and secure

See your video using your favorite browser

Ongoing software development for long system life

Automated Networking and Cyber Secure
ProConnect recorders automatically establish a secure outbound connection with AvertX Connect when you register them to your account. This is all it takes to get your recorder online and available for remote viewing of video. All metadata transmitted over the Internet is secured using military-grade encryption. Read more about AvertX Cyber Security.

Save and Share Your Video on the Cloud
AvertX Connect allows you to save and share video clips to the cloud in just minutes. Easily share the video by email to family, co-workers or law enforcement for viewing with their smart phone or web browser. All video saved to AvertX Connect has redundant encrypted backups to ensure security and reliability.

More Options for Remote Viewing
AvertX ProConnect software is designed for cross platform compatibility with all industry leading mobile and web browser platforms. The ProConnect Web Client is compatible with Safari, Chrome, Edge/Internet Explorer, and Firefox. Native mobile applications for iOS and Android devices provide access to your system while you are on the move. We even have an app for Apple TV for live viewing from your living room or bedroom!

Future Proof Your Investment: Automated Software Updates
The most important part of your video security system investment is the software that powers it. AvertX created and is constantly developing the ProConnect platform, so you will benefit from new features, improved performance, and security updates for years to come and without a subscription fee. Updates can be easily downloaded and applied with a click of the mouse. We updated our AvertX Connect cloud portal with an all new user interface, Spot Check reports, and improvements to video sharing and user permissions. Recent updates to the recorder added a 4-camera spot monitor feature, a virtual keyboard, and more flexible event-based recording.