Known Issues

AvertX strives to produce the best possible products that help secure your home or business. To improve your experience, we've provided visibility into known AvertX issues impacting your system. Below you can find a list of current issues under investigation by our engineering team.

This list will be updated regularly with issues being added and removed as they are discovered and resolved, respectively. Some issues may affect older versions, and can be fixed by updating your AvertX software.

Temporary Disabling of Local Console Spot Monitor Due to Specific Image Compatibility Issue

March 18, 2024

AvertX ProConnect and System Images

A compatibility issue has been discovered between the Local AvertX Console Spot Monitor function and specific system images causing some users to be unable to login on attempt when Spot Monitor is enabled. Specifically, if a user is on ProConnect software version 3.0 or above and is simultaneously using image 314105.01L on their recorder and attempts to log in, the local console may send users back to the login screen rather than successfully logging in.

Teams are actively working to address the issue and it will be resolved in a future update. In the interim, the Local Console Spot Monitor function will be temporarily disabled for certain users. The option in Setup (gear icon) General Configuration > System Settings > General Settings > Console will be greyed out with a mouse over "This function is not supported on this hardware and image configuration. Please reach out to support for more information."

View Video link misdirecting when viewing an alert notification email on an Android phone

November 5, 2021

AvertX Android Mobile App

Tapping the View Video link when viewing an alert notification email on an Android phone may not open the installed mobile app, but instead a page instructing the user to install the mobile app. Android 12 now requires users to manually select if the mobile app should open by default from a link. To do this, in the Android OS, navigate to Settings > Apps and find the AvertX app. Select the Open by Default option, and Add link. Then choose the domain.


Sequencing cameras in Live in the console over several days may cause the console to restart.

July 9th, 2021

AvertX ProConnect

Sequencing cameras in Live in the console over several days may cause the console to restart sending the console to the log-in page. If impacted by the issue, enable 'Automatically log in to live page' within Setup > System Settings.


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