​How to access and download the ProConnect Archive Viewer

The ProConnect Archive Viewer utility program is used to view video footage exported as an Archive.  Exporting video as Archive is typically recommended for exporting or backing up lengthy video clips.  It can be installed/used in a Windows-based environment.

Video is exported via the ProConnect Archive viewer in a .VAR video format.  Single camera footage can be converted/re-exported through the Archive Viewer in an MP4 format.

Download Archive Viewer

  1. Log into a ProConnect NVR recorder from a web browser.
  2. Click on Search at the top of the screen. 
  3. Select the Export Manager button in the lower right-hand corner of the screen.

  4. In the bottom right-hand area of the Search > Export Manager screen, click on the Download Archive Viewer link:

  5. By default, the Archive Viewer will download into the computer's Downloads folder or the location that has been chosen on the web browser for downloads.

View downloaded video through Archive Viewer 

  1. To open the Archive Viewer, double click on the .exe file that was previously downloaded.
  2. The executable file will extract and open the Archive Viewer utility program.
  3. By default, the Archive Viewer will automatically load the latest .var file if the Archive Viewer executable file and the .var video file are located in the same folder/directory.
  4. If the .var file is not listed under the Local > Download section, click on Load (on the bottom right hand), and then click on the Archive icon to navigate and select/open the respective downloaded .var file for Playback.