How do I Perform an Event Search on the Web Interface?

Event Search is ideal for reviewing analytic, motion or sensor events in a filtered, easily consumable format.

Perform an Event Search

  1. In the Search Tab, select Event in the bottom bar 
  2. Under DATE / TIME select the Start, End, and Duration of the event you would like to search for.
  3. Choose the Event Type you would like to search for. Possible options are Motion, Sensor, Person Detection, or Vehicle Detection. Person Detection and Vehicle Detection will not appear unless you are using cameras equipped with AvertX Smart Analytics, such as the HD838 Dome Camera.
  4. Check cameras or sensors to search for events in the left tree view.
  5. Click Apply.
  6. Select an event in the event table to review.

  7. Click the preview image and the play icon to review this video in Timeline Search.


Hitting the back button on the browser in timeline search will load the previous event search results when switching between the two.